March Community Meeting
Location: HWRHS Conference Room, off of main lobby
Faculty Guests:
Wendy Linkin
Kate Hayashi
Location: HWRHS Conference Room, off of main lobby
Faculty Guests:
Wendy Linkin
Kate Hayashi
Location: HWRHS Conference Room, off of main lobby
Faculty Guest:
Jacqueline Johnson
Location: HWRHS Conference Room, off of main lobby
Faculty Guests:
Kirsten Losee
Location: HWRHS Conference Room, off of main lobby
Faculty Guests:
Evann Carter
Chrissy de Lima
Join us in running Melody Miles this year, and help keep the arts vibrant in Hamilton-Wenham!
Did you know that the HW Friends of the Arts has been supporting the arts in our district for over 28 years? Educators are invited to submit grant proposals which bring visual art, theater, and music into the classroom. Melody Miles is our annual fundraiser and allows us to support our teachers as they look to do big things.
More info to come!
The HWRSD’s Elementary school concert is coming on Monday May 13th 6-7 pm in the Buker gym. Come out and enjoy our younger performers!
The HWRHS Spring Concert will be held Wednesday, May 8th, 7 p.m. in the Ferrini Dramatics Center. Come enjoy performances by Concert Choir, Harmony, Concert Band and Jazz Band.
The HWRHS Senior Art Show will be held Wednesday, May 8, 6 p.m., in the Visual Arts Wing at the high school. The HWRHS Spring Concert will be held immediately following at 7 p.m. in the Ferrini. We hope you can come out and enjoy these fantastic events.
MRMS will hold it's Spring Concert, Tuesday, May 7th at 7 p.m., in the Ferrini Auditorium. Come and enjoy some beautiful music performed by our talented middle school bands and choruses.
Students from Miles River Middle School will perform the one-act play, The Snow by Finegan Kruckemeyer, on Saturday, May 4, 10 a.m. at Stoughton High School. (Much like our district, Stoughton’s middle and high school are connected, and the two schools share a performance space.) For more information, please reach out to Ms. deLima or Ms. Sidlowski.
Students from Miles River Middle School will perform the one-act play, The Snow by Finegan Kruckemeyer, on Thursday, May 2nd at 6:00 p.m at the HWRHS Ferrini Auditorium. For more information, please reach out to Ms. deLima or Ms. Sidlowski.
Come see what our middle school art students have been up to this year!
High school students … Come to DECA/FOTA's Karaoke Night! It will take place from 5 to 7 p.m. on Friday, April 5th, in the Miles River Multi-purpose room. The cost of admission will be $5, and snacks will be sold! Sign up for your song in advance using the QR code. Enjoy a fabulous night by singing your favorite songs!
*Please note, this event is cash only and for high school students.
HWRHS will hold it's annual Prism Concert, Wednesday April 3, 7 p.m., in the Ferrini Dramatics Center.
Much like a prism breaks light into its component parts, tonight’s Prism concert breaks our instrumental music department into its varied components. The concept for Prism was started in 1975 at the Eastman School of Music as a way to showcase the talents of the individual rather than the entire group. It was also addressed the three issues usually associated with public concerts. To whit:
Concerts generally don’t show the individual’s talents.
Concerts can be too long.
The audience can be unintentionally rude by clapping in the wrong place.
Prism deals with all three by having mostly individuals or small groups perform; By keeping the entire concert held to no longer than 60 minutes; And by asking the audience to hold all applause until the very end.
You are cordially invited to attend. You will see the individual members of the high school performing arts community in a wonderfully intimate and enlightening setting.
Come hear from our faculty guests!
Hamilton Wenham Public Library, Local History Room, 2nd floor
Come support the high school students as the perform their one act from METG DramaFest, Stephen Gregg’s One Lane Bridge. This performance is open to the public. Free admission; suggested donation of $10 to support the theatre program.
Performance to be held at HWRHS Ferrini Auditorium.
HWRHS’S Theatre Workshop will be performing Stephen Gregg’s One Lane Bridge at the METG DramaFest this spring. Round 1 will be 3/2 at Westford Academy. They will be performing 3rd (11:15 a.m.) $10 at the door. Come out and support our Generals in the cast and crew!
For more information, visit:
Please join the HW high school Vocal Groups for their annual Hearts & Flowers Cabaret on Tuesday, February 13 @ 7:00pm. Hearts & Flowers is an evening of beautiful singing and delicious food. It will be held at a new venue this year - The Black Swan Country Club in Georgetown! Enjoy performances by Concert Choir, Harmony, Kings of the Beach, Dell Belles and many talented soloists.
Tickets for the event are $35 per person and will include an array of hors d’oeuvres, beverages, desserts, and coffee. Reserve your tickets here:
Cash or checks (made out to HWRSD) will be collected at the door.
For FOTA Directors.
Hamilton-Wenham Public Library, Local History Room, 2nd floor.
Performance times:
Thursday, 1/11 @ 7:00 PM
Friday, 1/12 @ 7:00 PM
Saturday, 1/13 @ 2:00 PM
For tickets, visit:
Performances by band, jazz band, chorus, and chorale.
Performances by band, jazz band, chorus, and Harmony.
photo: tracey westgate photography
Hamilton-Wenham FOTA P.O. Box 198, Hamilton, MA 01936